Hola from SF
So. Hmm. Hi there. How are you? Why, yes, yes it has been over a month since I last updated. Can I still use the excuse that I moved and started a new job and generally had a total fucking upheaval in my life? Yes? Great. Let's move on then, shall we?
So now I live in San Francisco, in a really awesome little apartment in Nob Hill. Or, some may argue, in the "Tender-Nob", since I am in between very fancy Nob Hill and very ghetto, crack whore ridden Tenderloin. Hence, Tender-Nob. But I think that Tender-Nob sounds vaguely dirty, so I'm keeping it simple: Nob Hill. The new job is good, and I will keep it at that, for the time being. The Peanut and I have been doing lots of exploring, lots of walking and lots of eating. So far we've found a great sushi place with half price sake, a place charmingly called Citizen Cupcake with, umm, really good cupcakes, and delicious, delicious Thai food. There is ridiculous shopping and museums and galleries and weird films being put on by some Socialist organization (a movie with nuns! and cheerleaders!). In a nutshell, we're really very happy that we made this move. And I will write a more thorough update soon. Scout's honor.